Incredible India – Tribal Mother & Child

A photographic journey from the past to the present, from the tribal regions deep in India to the beautiful destinations that shows the veracity of the largest democracy in the world today.
Incredible India in pictures depicting Indian diversity in cultures, heritage, history, archaeology, literature & religion, from tribal communities to popular settlements.
The word Adivasi is synonymous to aboriginal, native & original dwellers. They lived on the land & persisted with their way of living on & living with nature for hundred of centuries in India till the subcontinent became prone to invasions from the western looters & pillagers. While most of the European & Chinese invaders looted & killed, the British, Spanish & Portuguese colonists expanded their rules over these Adivasis. Over time, the decimation of their cultures & the ruthless killings of their people, brought the tribal communities to the brink of extinction.
Chhattisgarh still has remnants of tribal communities, struggling to co-exist with the intrusion we have come to call by various names – civilization, modernization, industrialization et all. All that such terms translated to were the eviction of these tribal communities, usurpation of their land & exploitation of their cultures & humanity for decades. Today, most of them live with perennial fear of being termed criminal, at the mercy of the so called rich & powerful landlords, politicians & industrial exploiters.
Over 5000 years of human civilization, prosperity in arts, science, philosophy and non-materialistic sciences have also harbored religions, rituals & various customs in India. Very often we follow these rituals mechanically these days without completely knowing the purpose or completely following the processes as prescribed in the Vedas.
More such incredible India in our Pictures gallery.