Editorial December 2021

Greetings! And welcome to the December of 2021, ushering in 2022 with the zeal & determination like never before! Please take a moment to Subscribe to our Newsletter.
Thank you for being with us! Many of our friends & families have been impacted adversely by the deadly SARS virus, we extend our sympathy & send prayers your way. We hope as an online community we will stand with each other in these trying times & pull through with hope & determination.
As the year ends, we take a look back at how we started and where we are heading as we move into 2022. Early in 2021, while Covid started to raged through countries, that would subsequently affect millions of lives & families worldwide, mercilessly taking lives, leaving people helpless in spite of all the modern developments in medical sciences & diagnostics technologies, we wondered if the old adage that “nature has all the answers” could be true?
We looked into India’s age old ethic communities & their lifestyles. We looked into the tribal communities of Chattisgarh and little did we know that we would find a treasure trove of our own heritage – hidden quietly in front of us, ignored for decades due to our fascination to admire & adopt everything Western & down trod everything Indian!
To our instant gratification, we learnt how well Covid was managed & contained in some of the deep tribal areas of Chhattisgarh. Where modern education is a rarity, medical technologies are beyond reach & understanding of sciences has not penetrated into the communities, such a deadly virus was contained merely by listening to the government workers who were tasked to implement strict separation rules & vaccination protocols.
While Covid killed en-mass in economically stronger countries, in many the virus rifted up political divisions and steered towards an a aggressive mutilations of everything civic, India, the world’s largest democracy, although did not escape the wrath of the virus, still worked silently & rigorously in the ethnic communities. To date, while the disease killed hundreds of thousands in larger Indian cities, the toll was meager in the more rural, tribal communities.
You have also seen us start off with our new programs for 2022 & beyond. Education, research & tribal artisans will be our main focus in the coming years. Many of you have started contributing to our programs, and we are thankful for that. Many of you have shown your sincere interest in helping ethnic artisans, and we will be working closely with you in the coming years!
If you have missed them, take a look at some of our education awareness videos on YouTube. Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
We extend our sincere thanks to you for your support and we look forward to walking with you in the new year ahead!
Wishing you & your families a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year ahead!
Sincerely Yours!
Explore India TV team