10 Top YouTube Authentic Creators on Indigenous People Cultures & Heritages

Tribal Documentary Tribal Video Explore India TV

While on one hand YouTube channels like Explore India TV are new but focused on learning from tribal cultures & tribal heritages, there are also expert YouTube creators who have devoted lifetime researching tribal lifestyles, their cultures and portraying authentic details about their heritages.

Such documentary creators inspire us to learn, grow & create something that is meaningful. The key points in making this evaluation of top YouTube creators are predominantly authenticity, originality, depth of research, strength of story, consistency of research & finally videography. The list below is in no particular order since they always demonstrate expertise & humanity behind their creations.

Top 10 Authentic YouTube Channels on Indigenous Cultures

Tribal Documentary Ethic Videos on Culture & Heritage - Explore India

Slice – Ethnic Documentaries

Professionally produced and delivered, the Slice documentaries cover a broader range of topics including ethnic documentaries from tribal communities across the world. Extremely well researched, scripted and produced, their videos are both educational & entertaining to watch.

Authentic Culture Documentaries Explore India

BBC Earth

Hosted by the famous naturalist David Attenborough, BBC has been producing most authentic nature & cultural documentaries for ever! Nothing could be more well researched, well documented, well presented than theirs (well,maybe National Geographic & Nature as well).

Authentic Tribal Cultures Heritages Documentaries - Explore India

Plant Doc – Authentic Tribal Documentaries

This is a complete documentary channel who have consistently produced well researched videos on tribal & ethnic lifestyles of some most remote tribes & some unique history of the old civilizations.

Authentic YouTube Videos on Tribal Communities Cultures Heritages

New Atlantic – Full Documentaries

They live up to their promise of producing documentaries that are shocking and always present original stories & amazing testimonies from various ethic cultural communities across the world.

Authentic Tribal Indigenous YouTube Videos - Exploring India & Tribal Cultures

Tracks – Authentic Cultural Videos

We love Tracks! They are unique, authentic & diverse in their selection producing well researched videos that are helpful for travelers as well as educational & entertaining.

Exploring Tribal Ethnic Cultures

National Geographic

We don’t need to talk much about the National Geographic team! Though not dedicated to ethnic cultures, they have several mini series focused on various native communities & tribal people across the world.

Authentic World Tribal Indigenous Ethnic Communities Videos - Explore India TV

Free Documentaries & Free Documentary Nature

Although their popularity is predominantly for documenting Dangerous Roads across the world, if you pay close attention to their videos, you can learn a lot about the remote cultures & communities across the world. This team fascinates us with the high quality & consistency of their work.

Authentic Tribal Cultures Heritages Documentaries - Explore India Tribes

Timeline – History Documentaries

We have seen their videos on BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and PBS. They are very thorough in their research, very detailed in their analysis & very meticulous in their video production. Although their research spreads over a wide range of subjects, their documentaries on world’s ethic communities & heritages are worth looking at.

Authentic Tribal & Indigenous Cultures & Communities - Exploring India

Danger TV – Authentic Tribal Cultures

Although marked as an entertainment channel promising “deadly animals, and breathtaking stories of survival” they produce videos that are both real as well as entertaining. Their videos on indigenous tribal communities are also quite educational for us.

Exploring Indian Tribes of Ladakh Leh India In Motion

India In Motion – Authentic Indian Ethnic Cultures

One of the most authentic YouTube video channel focused predominantly on the ethnic cultures, lifestyles & heritages of various tribal communities of Ladakh. This is one of the few channels that really inspires us to do better.

That is a short list of our 10 favorite YouTube Channels that have continued to inspire us & educate us. If you are a video creator and interested in making ethnic, cultural and heritage videos, let us know.

Your support is our biggest encouragement. So while you are here, check out & Subscribe to Explore India TV YouTube Channel as well!


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